Ecofilae / Media / Ecofilae partner of the Suwanu Europe project

Ecofilae partner of the Suwanu Europe project


Ecofilae partner of the Suwanu Europe project

Ecofilae is a partner in the SUWANU EUROPE project dedicated to the transfer of knowledge in Europe on water reuse in agriculture.

SUWANU EUROPE is part of the European Commission's Horizon 2020 funding programme under the theme "Thematic networks compiling knowledge ready for practice".

Through 8 target regions in Europe and 20 partners specialised in water reuse, the project aims to gather and disseminate knowledge and feedback from the international scientific world to local stakeholders in water reuse for agriculture.

Working groups per target region have been set up in order to establish a long-term link between the different stakeholders concerned by water reuse in agriculture: researchers, farmers, municipalities, water industrialists, institutional partners, etc.

Several productions, easily accessible and synthetic, are made available to the actors:

  • Training workshops consisting of 3 webinars offered by Ecofilae :
    • June 24, 2020 : "How to succeed in a water reuse project"
    • December 10, 2020 : “Water reuse : update on the EU regulation and European feedback!”
    • January 21, 2021 : “Water reuse → The territories already launched come to testify!”  With European and French case studies and the intervention of Laetitia Carbonell, Director of Sable de Camargue Vineyards and member of the Suwanu Occitanie Regional Working Group, who will come to present the project (currently being set up) to irrigate vinyard with treated water from the WWTP of Marseillan.
  • An E-Learning platform offering videos (English & 8 others languages) on problematics specific to water reuse in agriculture. 
  • International Suwanu Europe conference, on May 18th and 19th, 2021. 


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