Ecofilae / References / Feasibility study for the reuse of treated wastewater in the Community of South Roussillon

Feasibility study for the reuse of treated wastewater in the Community of South Roussillon - 2018

Feasibility study for the reuse of treated wastewater in the Community of South Roussillon

Activity sectors

#Farmers and Winemakers
#Golf courses and Recreation facilities




Located in the plain of the Pyrenees Orientales, Saint-Cyprien is a coastal town subject to significant challenges on its water resource.

Within the framework of a virtuous management of its water resource, the Community of South Roussillon (public establishment for inter-municipal cooperation integrating the city of Saint-Cyprien) wished to evaluate the feasibility of the development of loops of reuse of wastewater in the medium and long term over its territory.

Ecofilae’s actions

Ecofilae has therefore proposed an approach containing 3 phases enabling the operational implementation of water reuse loops in an urban context subject to strong seasonality. The study is currently in phase 2. The phased approach is presented below:

  • REUSE diagnosis of the territory;
  • Technical and economic evaluation of the scenarios;
  • Editing and monitoring of the regulatory dossier.

This study is still in progress (2018), one of the major users approached for the implementation of a circular water saving loop is a golf course.


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